Red Wheel/Weiser
Reason & Revelation: Scholarly Essays About the Urantia Book
Reason & Revelation: Scholarly Essays About the Urantia Book
This anthology provides the highest quality research essays about The Urantia Book (UB) in one introductory volume. In addition to introducing the UB to academics, thought leaders, and cultural influencers, it is also designed as an introductory textbook for use in universities, especially in fields such as religious studies, philosophy, theology, history, and general humanities. The book is divided into four parts: General Studies, Origin and Influence Studies, Religion, Ethics, and Spirituality, and lastly Philosophy and Theology. Because no prior knowledge of the UB is required, Part I provides a beginner’s orientation. The later sections further introduce UB teachings on more specific topics, building upon this earlier section. Most of these later essays are chosen because they are comparative—they assess the UB’s teachings in relation to the contemporary academic understandings. To further aid readers, the anthology provides an extensive glossary, appendices, charts, and an index.