Red Wheel/Weiser
Mastering the Art of Witchcraft
Mastering the Art of Witchcraft
This book contains everything that a beginner would need to build an independent practice of Witchcraft. Unlike other beginner's books, this book succinctly defines what is required to bridge both the religious and the magical aspects of modern Witchcraft to build a personal independent Witchcraft practice. Everything that you need to know, all of the liturgical and magical rites, and the basic background information is included in this work. Frater Barrabbas has written a five-book series for advanced Witchcraft studies and practices. These books were not for beginners, but now he has written this book, that teaches the beginner what they need to know and master to make the five-book series accessible. Whether you belong to a coven and a tradition, or are a solitary witch, this book was written exclusively for you.